CH zurich 2016

The overall design is based on a double-curvature surface, parabolic shape which connects all parametric inputs. The system design is based on a double levels process: in the first part, three simple curves are used in order to describe final overall shaping surface (primitive limits are set by GH component sliders). The second level permits to increase details downsizing scale by increasing the number of curves until final design configuration is reached.


Jay Chenault
Alessandro Dell’Endice
Matthias Helmreich
Nicholas Hoban
Jesús Medina
Pietro Odaglia
Federico Salvalaio
Stavroula Tsafou

Gramazio Kohler Research
Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias Kohler (Delegate Professors)
Philipp Eversmann (NCCR Digital Fabrication Head of Education)
Luka Piškorec (MAS Teaching Lead)

